Agaricus Blazei Murril

ABM - the almond mushroom

The Agaricus Blazei Murril originates from Brazil and is known there as the "Mushroom of God".

This medicinal mushroom has been intensively studied scientifically in the last decades, I would like to bring you closer to the fascinating results in the field of alternative tumour therapy here.

Brief description of the tumour-relevant properties:

  • Cancer preventive
  • Cancer-inhibiting
  • Formation of metastases is reduced
  • Clear reduction of the side effects of chemo- or radiotherapy
  • Immune stimulation
  • Strengthening of immune modulation
  • Free radical scavenger
  • Liver-strengthening properties

In Brazil, Agraicus Blazei is considered a natural part of the diet. It is also consumed there as a tea.

In tumour therapy, the almond mushroom delivers extraordinary results.

Scientifically proven, the mushroom stops the growth of cancer cells in many cancers, in many cases even regressing them. There are studies on leukaemia, intestinal, lung, pancreatic and liver cancer.

In the case of abdominal, burst and prostate cancer, it is even independent of whether their growth is stimulated by sex hormones or not.

In the same way, the vital mushroom can be used for brain tumours, skin and stomach cancer. This even applies to cases in which neither surgery nor radiation or chemotherapy can be carried out.

As already mentioned in the entrance to mycotherapy, medicinal mushrooms are already used in orthodox medicine in the USA and Japan.

Its ingredients such as beta-D-glucans ensure strong immune activity, thus activating natural killer cells, which play a major role in fighting cancer cells.

It is also known that beta-D-glucans lead to an increase in T-lymphocytes.
T-cells are a form of white blood cells that are formed in the bone marrow, these mature in the thymus and, together with B-lymphocytes, form our immune response to degenerated cells.

Agaricus Blazei is also capable of restarting apoptosis (suicide programme of degenerated cells).

Ingredients such as ergosterol and sodium pyroglutamate even prevent the ingrowth of blood vessels in already existing tumours (angiogenesis inhibitors).

Last but not least, it should be noted that the mushroom is also able to enormously improve the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
It helps to eliminate toxins and stimulates blood formation in the bone marrow.