Chronic fatigue syndrome is a severe neuroimmunological disease that often leads to a high degree of physical disability.

there are 17 million people affected worldwide, including 25,000 cases in Austria alone.

The catalogue of symptoms is long and very often this disease is also misdiagnosed.

Typical of ME/CFS is a pronounced and persistent intensification of symptoms, such as painful exhaustion, flu-like symptoms, headaches and muscle pain, sleep disturbances and much more, during physical exertion.

Often the disease begins acutely after a severe infection, but insidious processes are not uncommon either.

The cause of the disease is thought to be a possible autoimmune disease or a severe disturbance of the energy metabolism. Furthermore, viral infections such as the Epstein-Barr virus are also being discussed as triggers.

On the frequency therapy side, the following possibilities are available:

Rife frequencies in Hz, 3-4 minutes each:

1.1, 4.9, 6.3, 20, 27.5, 35, 72, 73, 105 (at 0.5V)
148 (at 0.9V)
172, 220, 253, 274, 410 (at 0.5V)

Rife frequencies in Hz, 3-4 minutes each:

428, 465, 660, 663, 667, 669, 690, 727,5, 738, 744, 776, 778, 787, 825, 880

(at 0.8 V)

Rife frequencies in Hz, 3-4 minutes each:

1.013k, 1.032k, 1.92k, 2.1275k (at 0.8 V)
6.618k, 8.768k (at 1.2 V)