Effect of frequency therapy

Basically, frequency therapy is an "ancient science". Already thousands of years ago, it was used by the wise Egyptians for pain therapy through electric eels. However, with the modernisation of chemical medicine, it was somewhat forgotten. A few decades ago, however, some scientists rediscovered the form of therapy and the effect of the energy field on humans. Since then, it has been successfully used again and is enjoying an ever-growing number of users for good reasons.


How can frequency therapy work?

The scientist Dr. Royal Raymond Rife is said to have discovered for the first time that pathogens such as viruses or bacteria also have vibrations. Since these oscillations can be calculated very precisely, the natural oscillation of such negatively influencing microorganisms can be amplified by means of frequency therapy. If the natural oscillation is increased to a certain level, the DNA strands of the microorganisms dissolve and eventually burst. Similar to the way a glass can be vibrated by the voice of an opera singer until it breaks, here the resonance has an effect down to each individual cell.

Dr. Hulda Clark also researched in this field. Her experiences brought her to the conclusion that the combination of solvents and certain parasites in the body can lead to many serious illnesses and diseases. The solvents from environmental toxins, cosmetics etc. destroy the larvae of parasites and thus cause them to spread in the human body.

Robert C. Beck's research was based on the findings of Dr. Hulda Clark. Beck worked in the lower frequency range and invented the method of "blood electrification" with his own frequency therapy device.


Which devices are there and how do they work?

Today there are many different frequency therapy devices. Which device is best suited for the practice depends entirely on the treatment goal and the demands on the frequency therapy device. Zappers, for example, transmit frequencies through the skin, but they do not reach the deeper layers and air-filled organs. There are mobile devices for travelling as well as static ones for use at home or in an institute. In contrast to zappers, plasma generators create electromagnetic fields that can penetrate the entire body, causing a reaction to the body's cells. Frequency therapy devices should only be used with appropriate expertise. If, for example, the wrong frequencies are used for therapy, the therapy will not work.

A treatment should always be used in consultation with a doctor. An exact conventional medical diagnosis and ongoing monitoring can guarantee the success of a frequency therapy.